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COVID-19 Updates

Case Description, Confirmation and Notification Process

Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations expired on February 3, 2025. 

COVID-19 reports are no longer being collected. Please refer to the Center for Disease Control for guidance on Preventing Spread of Respiratory Viruses when you're sick. 

Fresno State will send a campus notification when 1) a public health agency and/or the campus has received notification through the online campus reporting process that a member of the community has a confirmed COVID-19 illness via a COVID-19 test AND 2) the individual was recently on the campus or other university-related instructional site during the time when they may have been infected.  

The following details Fresno State’s process for communicating known COVID-19 cases to the campus community.


Asymptomatic individual quarantined due to exposure to sick people.

Asymptomatic individual quarantined
Confirmation Process Notification Process
Individual report or identified during contact tracing of confirmed case.  No all-campus notification. 

Individual has mild flu or cold symptoms not consistent with COVID-19, per individual’s report of assessment by health care provider. 

Individual has mild flu or cold symptoms not consistent with COVID-19
Confirmation Process Notification Process
Individual report.

No all-campus notification.

Individual has symptoms consistent with COVID-19, but no test confirmation; individual is advised by health care provider to isolate per CDC guidance.

Individual has symptoms consistent with COVID-19
Confirmation Process Notification Process
Individual report. No all-campus notification, but Fresno State will provide direct communication and guidance to students and/or employees if they were near or in direct contact, on a case-by-case basis. (Based on last contact on campus or in community and timing of symptom onset.)

Individual has tested positive for COVID-19, but has not been on campus while potentially infectious.

Note: Infectious period is normally two days prior to the start of symptoms, or two days prior to a positive test if no symptoms are present. 

Individual has tested positive for COVID-19
Confirmation Process Notification Process
Public health agency/testing provider confirmation via the individual. No all-campus notification, but Fresno State will provide direct communication and guidance to students and/or employees if they are identified as being in close contact (within six feet for over a cumulative 15 minutes in a 24-hour period) with the individual who tested positive.

Individual has tested positive for COVID-19 and has been on campus while potentially infectious.

Note: Infectious period is normally two days prior to the start of symptoms, or two days prior to a positive test if no symptoms are present. 

Individual has tested positive for COVID-19 and has been on campus
Confirmation Process Notification Process
Public health agency/testing provider confirmation to the individual and to Fresno State. A campus notification will be sent to all employees. Fresno State will provide direct communication and guidance to students and/or employees if they are identified as being in close contact (within six feet for over a cumulative 15 minutes in a 24-hour period) with the individual who tested positive. This COVID-19 webpage will be updated accordingly.