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COVID-19 Updates

Protocol for Faculty Access to Campus

Aug. 17, 2020


In fall 2020, faculty will have access to their offices/labs during normal business hours of 8-5 M-F. Note that everyone will need to complete the health self-assessment before coming to campus. Those who will physically interact with others in any capacity will need to go through a temperature checkpoint. Five temperature checkpoints will be set up on campus, as noted on this map. All five checkpoints will be open from 7 a.m. until noon, M-F. Of these, two will be open longer: the Campus Drive Circle and the Maple Ave. Circle checkpoints will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. M-Th and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday.  

If you need to be on campus at times other than 8-5 M-F, your dean will need to approve your access. Indeed, after-hours/weekend/holiday access must be approved by the school/college dean, who will notify the Police Department. If you need frequent after-hours access, make the request to your dean, who will submit a list with approved names and locations to the Office of the Provost.

Your keycard access should work to provide access to your office building. If you need assistance in gaining access to your office or lab spaces, you can contact Campus Police, but please be aware that the security team's response may take longer than during normal semesters because they are also managing the health screening checkpoints.

If you share an office or lab space with others, please work with your dean to ensure that any shared space has a schedule that allows only one person in the space at any given time. Use of shared offices or labs by more than one person at the same time may be considered if it is possible to implement the safety guidelines (masks and social distance). In such cases, lab/office occupants will need to go through a temperature check kiosk. 

If you will be utilizing lab spaces along with students performing research, those students must complete a safety assessment and temperature check prior to entering the lab. All safety guidelines must be followed, including wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, and observing cleaning protocols. Your dean must be notified of the use of lab space and the personnel who will be on campus as part of the campus repopulation plan.

All faculty who will be on campus must complete required OSHA training on COVID-19 procedures and protocols. The course is being assigned to faculty and completion will be monitored. Please take the 15 or so minutes to complete this training before coming to campus if you can.

Your cooperation with all of these precautions and protocols is greatly appreciated. We are making every effort to keep everyone on campus safe and in good health.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you. 


Marsha L. Baum

Associate Vice President, Faculty Affairs