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COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Cases, Reporting and Notifications

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Fresno State follows the guidance of local, state and federal public health agencies when addressing confirmed coronavirus cases among its students, faculty and staff. The University is in regular contact with the Fresno County Department of Public Health (FCDPH), and has protocols in place with them to ensure quick and decisive communication and action as needed.

Please fill out this COVID-19 Reporting Form if you are: 

  • A student living on campus, authorized to be on campus and/or participating in campus-sponsored off-campus experiential learning (such as: service learning, internships and practicums).
  • An employee (State or auxiliary, including student assistants) working on campus or at an off-campus affiliated location (either full-time or intermittently).
  • AND you either test positive for COVID-19, have been exposed to someone who has tested positive, or you suspect to have COVID-19, or if you are feeling ill. (As a reminder, your health information is confidential.)

Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Before the start of the fall 2020 semester, Fresno State had 17 cases of COVID-19. As of Feb. 8, Fresno State is aware of 129 members of the campus community who have tested positive for COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, and who were on campus during the time when they may have been infected. 

This information is provided to Fresno State’s Office of Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management by the FCDPH and/or the online campus reporting process. To keep the campus community informed, the University will continue to update the COVID-19 website weekly with the current number of positive cases since March 2020, and will update the campus community on a biweekly basis or more frequently, if directed by the Fresno County Department of Health as a result of a significant increase in the number of community spread case reports. 

Consistent with the public health department and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protocols for infectious disease response, any campus community member identified as having had close contact with these individuals while on campus or at a campus-affiliated location will be notified directly to ensure privacy and confidentiality, as required, and may be told that they need to quarantine. Facilities that have been visited by those who test positive and/or had symptoms of illness are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected or temporarily closed, if appropriate. 

COVID-19 Case Alerts

Fresno State will send a campus notification when 1) a public health agency and/or the campus has received notification through the online campus reporting process that a member of the community has a confirmed COVID-19 illness via a COVID-19 test AND 2) the individual was recently on the campus or other university-related instructional site during the time when they may have been infected.  

The following details Fresno State’s process for communicating known COVID-19 cases to the campus community.

Case Description, Confirmation Process and Notification Process

Asymptomatic individual quarantined due to exposure to sick people.

Confirmation Process Notification Process
Individual report or identified during contact tracing of confirmed case.  No all-campus notification. 


Individual has mild flu or cold symptoms not consistent with COVID-19, per individual’s report of assessment by health care provider. 

Confirmation Process Notification Process
Individual report. No all-campus notification.

Individual has symptoms consistent with COVID-19, but no test confirmation; individual is advised by health care provider to isolate per CDC guidance.

Confirmation Process Notification Process
Individual report. No all-campus notification, but Fresno State will provide direct communication and guidance to students and/or employees if they were near or in direct contact, on a case-by-case basis. (Based on last contact on campus or in community and timing of symptom onset.)

Individual has tested positive for COVID-19, but has not been on campus while potentially infectious.

Note: Infectious period is normally two days prior to the start of symptoms, or two days prior to a positive test if no symptoms are present. 

Confirmation Process Notification Process
Public health agency/testing provider confirmation via the individual. No all-campus notification, but Fresno State will provide direct communication and guidance to students and/or employees if they are identified as being in close contact (within six feet for over a cumulative 15 minutes in a 24-hour period) with the individual who tested positive.

Individual has tested positive for COVID-19 and has been on campus while potentially infectious.

Note: Infectious period is normally two days prior to the start of symptoms, or two days prior to a positive test if no symptoms are present. 

Confirmation Process Notification Process
Public health agency/testing provider confirmation to the individual and to Fresno State. A campus notification will be sent to all employees. Fresno State will provide direct communication and guidance to students and/or employees if they are identified as being in close contact (within six feet for over a cumulative 15 minutes in a 24-hour period) with the individual who tested positive. This COVID-19 webpage will be updated accordingly.

Reporting Requirements for COVID-19

  • For all students living on campus, authorized to be on campus and/or participating in campus-sponsored off-campus experiential learning (such as: service learning, internships and practicums).
  • For all employees (State or auxiliary, including student assistants) working on campus or at an off-campus affiliated location (either full-time or intermittently).

If within the past 14 days, you have been sick with COVID-19 related symptoms, have tested positive for COVID-19 (with symptoms or not), OR you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive or is strongly suspected to have COVID-19, please take the following steps:

1. Contact Janell Morillo, associate vice president for Student Health, Counseling and Wellness, immediately at 559.278.0276 or

2. Complete this online form.

    Once the initial report is received, the campus Office of Environmental Health and Safety will: 

    - Contact you to determine where on campus you have been, identify any campus individuals with whom you have been in contact, and assess if anyone should self-quarantine due to possible exposure.

    - Provide you with information regarding how to obtain counseling assistance during this difficult time.  

    - Determine if any campus areas need to be specially cleaned and disinfected, or closed for a period of time.

    - Coordinate with Facilities Operations (Custodial Services) to clean and disinfect areas as needed.

3. If you are a student, notify your instructors or faculty if you will not be able to attend class, or unable to attend your experiential learning program. If you are an employee or student assistant, notify your supervising manager.

4. Seek guidance from your medical provider. If you are a student, and you do not have a medical provider,  contact the Student Health and Counseling Center at 559.278.2734. Consider visiting one of the available testing sites in Fresno County.

5. If you have symptoms or have tested positive (with symptoms or not), you are required to isolate at home, and not return to campus for a period of no less than 10 calendar days. 

    If you have experienced symptoms during this isolation period, you will be asked to submit a doctor’s release prior to returning to campus.

    - If you are a student, please submit this information (either drop-off or mailing) to the Student Health and Counseling Center (SHCC) at 5044 N. Barton Ave., Fresno, CA 93740.

    - If you are an employee, the assigned Human Resources Leave Coordinator will be notified by Environmental Health & Safety of your isolation period and will follow-up with you on the status of your return and medical release.

      Human Resources Leave Coordinators:

      ● Cathy Legarretta (Last names: A-L)

          -, 559.278.5012

      ● Juanita Aguilar (Last names: M-Z)

          -, 559.278.5336

    If you have not experienced symptoms during this isolation period, you will not be required to submit a doctor’s release.

6. If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive or strongly suspected to have COVID-19, you may be required to stay home (quarantine) for a minimum of 14 calendar days, per Fresno County Department of Public Health recommendations.  

As a reminder, your health information is confidential. After you have reported to AVP Morillo (and completed the online form), the campus will take reasonable steps to protect your confidentiality.