COVID-19 Updates
Isolation and Quarantine Guidance
This information is offered to provide quick guidance and next steps in the event that a student or employee is experiencing symptoms, has tested positive or has been exposed.
We are following the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for students and employees.
Please contact the Call Center at 559.278.7422 if you have any questions.
Within a shared airspace* (for over a total of 15 minutes in a 24-hour period) of a person confirmed to have COVID-19 during that person's infectious period (2 days before symptoms or tested positive if no symptoms).
*shared airspace = same room/open indoor area.
Please click on a box below for more information.
Staff and Managers: If you need to quarantine/isolate for COVID-19-related reasons, you can telework, if your manager deems it operationally feasible.
Faculty: If you need to change modality (move to remote teaching) during your quarantine or isolation period, please work with your Chair and Dean.
Staff, Faculty, Managers and Student Employees: If you are unable to telework, you will need to use sick leave. If you have exhausted your sick leave, you may request a substitution of vacation for sick leave by completing this form. If you have any questions, please reach out to Human Resources at 559.278.2032. Please do not complete this form if you are an Auxiliary or Foundation employee or a student (non-employee).